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Philippe WENGER


Directeur de Recherche CNRS

: Philippe.Wengeratls2n.fr

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Publications référencées sur HAL

Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)

    • [1] N. Testard, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. Comparison Analysis of Bio-Inspired Tendon-Driven Manipulators Based on Their Tension-Feasible Workspace. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2025, vol. 17, num. 1.
    • [2] V. Muralidharan, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. Coactivation in symmetric four-bar mechanisms antagonistically actuated by cables. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2024.
    • [3] V. Muralidharan, P. Wenger, C. Chevallereau. Design considerations and workspace computation of 2-X and 2-R planar cable-driven tensegrity-inspired manipulators. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2024, vol. 195.
    • [4] D. Salunkhe, T. Marauli, A. Muller, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Kinematic issues in 6R cuspidal robots, guidelines for path planning and deciding cuspidality. In The International Journal of Robotics Research ; éd. SAGE Publications, 2024.
    • [5] V. Muralidharan, P. Wenger, C. Chevallereau. Optimal design and comparison of 2-X and 2-R planar cable-driven tensegrity-inspired manipulators. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2024, vol. 200.
    • [6] N. Testard, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. Control analysis of an underactuated bio-inspired robot. In Robotica ; éd. Cambridge University Press, 2024.
    • [7] V. Muralidharan, N. Testard, C. Chevallereau, A. Abourachid, P. Wenger. Variable Stiffness and Antagonist Actuation for Cable-Driven Manipulators Inspired by the Bird Neck. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023, vol. 15, num. 3.
    • [8] A. Abourachid, C. Chevallereau, I. Pelletan, P. Wenger. An upright life, the postural stability of birds: a tensegrity system. In Journal of the Royal Society Interface ; éd. the Royal Society, 2023, vol. 20, num. 208.
    • [9] M. Furet, A. Abourachid, C. Böhmer, V. Chummun, C. Chevallereau, R. Cornette, X. de La Bernardie, P. Wenger. Estimating motion between avian vertebrae by contact modeling of joint surfaces. In Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2022, vol. 25, num. 2.
    • [10] B. Fasquelle, P. Khanna, C. Chevallereau, D. Chablat, D. Creusot, S. Jolivet, P. Lemoine, P. Wenger. Identification and Control of a 3-X Cable-Driven Manipulator Inspired From the Bird’s Neck. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022, vol. 14, num. 1.
    • [11] D. Salunkhe, C. Spartalis, J. Capco, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Necessary and sufficient condition for a generic 3R serial manipulator to be cuspidal. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2022, vol. 171.
    • [12] M. Langard, P. Lucidarme, N. Delanoue, R. Guyonneau, F. Mercier, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger, Y. Aoustin. Design and Optimization of a Planar Biped Leg Based on Direct Drive Linear Actuators. In Mathematical Problems in Engineering ; éd. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2022, vol. 2022.
    • [13] P. Wenger, D. Chablat. A review of cuspidal serial and parallel manipulators. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022.
    • [14] V. Muralidharan, P. Wenger. Optimal design and comparative study of two antagonistically actuated tensegrity joints. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2021, vol. 159.
    • [15] C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger, Y. Aoustin, F. Mercier, N. Delanoue, P. Lucidarme. Leg design for biped locomotion with mono-articular and bi-articular linear actuation. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2021, vol. 156.
    • [16] A. Abourachid, B. Gagnier, M. Furet, R. Cornette, A. Delapre, R. Hackert, P. Wenger. Modeling intervertebral articulation: The rotule à doigt mechanical joint (RAD) in birds and mammals. In Journal of Anatomy ; éd. Wiley, 2021, vol. 239, num. 6.
    • [17] P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Kinetostatic analysis and solution classification of a class of planar tensegrity mechanisms. In Robotica ; éd. Cambridge University Press, 2019, vol. 37, num. 7.
    • [18] A. Nayak, S. Caro, P. Wenger. Kinematic Analysis of the 3-RPS-3-SPR Series-Parallel Manipulator. In Robotica ; éd. Cambridge University Press, 2019, vol. 37, num. 7.
    • [19] M. Furet, P. Wenger. Kinetostatic analysis and actuation strategy of a planar tensegrity 2-X manipulator. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019, vol. 11, num. 6.
    • [20] A. Nayak, S. Caro, P. Wenger. Comparison of 3-[PP]S Parallel Manipulators based on their Singularity Free Orientation Workspace, Parasitic Motions and Complexity. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 129.
    • [21] A. Nayak, T. Stigger, M. Husty, P. Wenger, S. Caro. Operation Mode Analysis of 3-RPS Parallel Manipulators based on their Design Parameters. In Computer Aided Geometric Design ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 63.
    • [22] D. Reveles Ramos, J. Pamanes, P. Wenger. Trajectory Planning of Kinematically Redundant Parallel Manipulators by Using Multiple Working Modes. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2016, vol. 98.
    • [23] L. Nurahmi, S. Caro, P. Wenger. Operation modes and self-motions of the 2-RUU parallel manipulator. In International Journal of Mechanisms and Robotic Systems, vol. 3, num. 4. 2016
    • [24] R. Benoit, N. Delanoue, S. Lagrange, P. Wenger. Guaranteed detection of the singularities of 3R robotic manipulators. In Mechanical Sciences (MS) ; éd. Copernicus Publications, 2016, vol. 7, num. 1.
    • [25] L. Nurahmi, S. Caro, P. Wenger, J. Schadlbauer, M. Husty. Reconfiguration analysis of a 4-RUU parallel manipulator. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2016.
    • [26] C. Germain, S. Briot, S. Caro, P. Wenger. Natural Frequency Computation of Parallel Robots. In Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2015, vol. 10, num. 2.
    • [27] L. Nurahmi, J. Schadlbauer, S. Caro, M. Husty, P. Wenger. Kinematic Analysis of the 3-RPS Cube Parallel Manipulator. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015, vol. 7, num. 1.
    • [28] F. Lara-Molina, J. Maurício Rosário, D. Dumur, P. Wenger. Robust generalized predictive control of the Orthoglide robot. In Industrial Robot: An International Journal ; éd. Emerald, 2014, vol. 41, num. 3.
    • [29] J. Schadlbauer, M. Husty, S. Caro, P. Wenger. Self-Motions of 3-RPS Manipulators. In Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering ; éd. Frontiers Media, 2013, vol. 8, num. 1.
    • [30] C. Germain, S. Caro, S. Briot, P. Wenger. Singularity-free Design of the Translational Parallel Manipulator IRSBot-2. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2013, vol. 64.
    • [31] M. Manubens, G. Moroz, D. Chablat, P. Wenger, F. Rouillier. Cusp Points in the Parameter Space of Degenerate 3-RPR Planar Parallel Manipulators. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.
    • [32] S. Amine, M. Tale Masouleh, S. Caro, P. Wenger, C. Gosselin. Singularity Conditions of 3T1R Parallel Manipulators with Identical Limb Structures. In Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012, vol. 4, num. 1.
    • [33] S. Amine, M. Masouleh, S. Caro, P. Wenger, C. Gosselin. Singularity Analysis of 3T2R Parallel Mechanisms using Grassmann-Cayley Algebra and Grassmann Line Geometry. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2012, vol. 52.
    • [34] N. Binaud, S. Caro, P. Wenger. Comparison of 3-RPR Planar Parallel Manipulators with regard to their Dexterity and Sensitivity to Geometric Uncertainties. In Meccanica ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2011, vol. 46, num. 14.
    • [35] S. Amine, M. Tale Masouleh, S. Caro, P. Wenger, C. Gosselin. Singularity Analysis of the 4-RUU Parallel Manipulator using Grassmann-Cayley Algebra. In Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering ; éd. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 2011, vol. 35, num. 5.
    • [36] S. Amine, S. Caro, P. Wenger, D. Kanaan. Singularity Analysis of the H4 Robot using Grassmann-Cayley Algebra. In Robotica ; éd. Cambridge University Press, 2011.
    • [37] R. Ur-Rehman, S. Caro, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Multiobjective Path Placement Optimization of Parallel Kinematics Machines Based on Energy Consumption, Shaking Forces and Maximum Actuators Torques: Application to the Orthoglide. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2010, vol. 45, num. 8.
    • [38] G. Moroz, F. Rouillier, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. On the determination of cusp points of 3-R\underline{P}R parallel manipulators. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2010, vol. 45, num. 11.
    • [39] A. Pashkevich, A. Klimchik, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Stiffness Analysis Of Multi-Chain Parallel Robotic Systems. In Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems, vol. 3, num. 3. 2009
    • [40] D. Chablat, P. Wenger, S. Staicu. Dynamics of the Orthoglide parallel robot. In Scientific Bulletin - "Politehnica" University of Bucharest. Series D, Mechanical engineering ; éd. Politechnica University of Bucharest, 2009, vol. 71, num. 3.
    • [41] R. Ur-Rehman, S. Caro, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Path placement optimization of manipulators based on energy consumption: application to the orthoglide 3-axis. In Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering ; éd. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 2009.
    • [42] D. Kanaan, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Kinematic Analysis of a Serial - Parallel Machine Tool: the VERNE machine. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2009, vol. 44, num. 2.
    • [43] A. Pashkevich, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Stiffness Analysis of Overconstrained Parallel Manipulators. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2009, vol. 44, num. 5.
    • [44] A. Pashkevich, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Kinematic calibration of Orthoglide-type mechanisms from observation of parallel leg motions. In Mechatronics ; éd. Elsevier, 2009, vol. 19, num. 4.
    • [45] N. Binaud, S. Caro, P. Wenger. Sensitivity Comparison of Planar Parallel Manipulators. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2009, vol. 45.
    • [46] D. Kanaan, P. Wenger, S. Caro, D. Chablat. Singularity Analysis of Lower-Mobility Parallel Manipulators Using Grassmann-Cayley Algebra. In IEEE Transactions on Robotics ; éd. IEEE, 2009, vol. 25, num. 5.
    • [47] S. Caro, N. Binaud, P. Wenger. Sensitivity analysis of 3-RPR planar parallel manipulators. In Journal of Mechanical Design ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2009, vol. 131.
    • [48] M. Zein, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Non-Singular Assembly-mode Changing Motions for 3-RPR Parallel Manipulators. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2008, vol. 23, num. 4.
    • [49] S. Briot, I. Bonev, D. Chablat, P. Wenger, V. Arakelian. Self-Motions of General 3-RPR Planar Parallel Robots. In The International Journal of Robotics Research ; éd. SAGE Publications, 2008, vol. 27, num. 7.
    • [50] F. Majou, C. Gosselin, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Parametric stiffness analysis of the Orthoglide. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2007, vol. 42, num. 3.
    • [52] M. Zein, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Singular Curves in the Joint Space and Cusp Points of 3-RPR parallel manipulators. In Robotica ; éd. Cambridge University Press, 2007, vol. 25, num. 6.
    • [53] P. Wenger, D. Chablat, M. Zein. Degeneracy study of the forward kinematics of planar 3-RPR parallel manipulators. In Journal of Mechanical Design ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2007, vol. 129, num. 12.
    • [54] A. Pashkevich, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Kinematics and Workspace Analysis of a Three-Axis Parallel Manipulator: the Orthoglide. In Robotica ; éd. Cambridge University Press, 2006, vol. 24, num. 1.
    • [55] C. Innocenti, P. Wenger. Position Analysis of the RRP-3(SS) Multi-Loop Spatial Structure. In Journal of Mechanical Design ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2006, vol. 128, num. 1.
    • [56] S. Caro, P. Wenger, F. Bennis, D. Chablat. Sensitivity Analysis of the Orthoglide: A 3-DOF Translational Parallel Kinematic Machine. In Journal of Mechanical Design ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2006, vol. 128.
    • [57] S. Caro, P. Wenger, F. Bennis. Robustness Study of Generic and Non-Generic 3R Positioning Manipulators. In Journal IFToMM Problems of Applied Mechanics, vol. 22, num. 1. 01-07-2006
    • [58] M. Zein, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. An Exhaustive Study of the Workspaces Tolopogies of all 3R Orthogonal Manipulators with Geometric Simplifications. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2006, vol. 41, num. 8.
    • [59] D. Kanaan, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Workspace Analysis of the Parallel Module of the VERNE Machine. In Problems of Mechanics, vol. 25, num. 4. 01-12-2006
    • [60] P. Wenger, D. Chablat, M. Baili. A DH-parameter based condition for 3R orthogonal manipulators to have 4 distinct inverse kinematic solutions. In Journal of Mechanical Design ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2005, vol. 127.
    • [61] S. Caro, F. Bennis, P. Wenger. Tolerance Synthesis of Mechanisms: a Robust Design Approach. In Journal of Mechanical Design ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2005, vol. 127.
    • [62] A. Pashkevich, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Design Strategies for the Geometric Synthesis of Orthoglide-type Mechanisms. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2005, vol. 40, num. 8.
    • [63] P. Wenger, D. Chablat, A. Pashkevich. Geometric synthesis of orthoglide-type mechanisms. In Transactions of Belarusian Engineering Academy, vol. 17, num. 1. 2004
    • [64] D. Chablat, P. Wenger, F. Majou, J. Merlet. An Interval Analysis Based Study for the Design and the Comparison of 3-DOF Parallel Kinematic Machines. In The International Journal of Robotics Research ; éd. SAGE Publications, 2004, vol. 23, num. 6.
    • [65] M. Baili, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Kinematic Analysis of a Family of 3R Manipulators. In Problems of Mechanics, vol. 15, num. 2. 07-2004
    • [66] D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Architecture Optimization of a 3-DOF Translational Parallel Mechanism for Machining Applications, the Orthoglide. In IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2003, vol. 19, num. 3.
    • [67] D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Séparation des Solutions aux Modèles Géométriques Direct et Inverse pour les Manipulateurs Pleinement Parallèles. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2001, vol. 36, num. 6.
    • [68] P. Wenger, C. Gosselin, D. Chablat. A Comparative Study of Parallel Kinematic Architectures for Machining Applications. In Electronic Journal of Computational Kinematics ; éd. IFToMM, 2001, vol. 1, num. 1.
    • [69] P. Wenger. Some guidelines for the kinematic design of new manipulators. In Mechanism and Machine Theory ; éd. Elsevier, 2000, vol. 35, num. 3.
    • [70] P. Wenger. Classification of 3R Positioning Manipulators. In Journal of Mechanical Design ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1998, vol. 120, num. 2.
    • [71] P. Wenger, P. Chedmail. Ability of a Robot to Travel Through its Free Work Space in an Environment with Obstacles. In The International Journal of Robotics Research ; éd. SAGE Publications, 1991, vol. 10, num. 3.
    • [72] P. Wenger, P. Chedmail. On the connectivity of manipulator free workspace. In Journal of Robotic Systems ; éd. Wiley-Blackwell, 1991, vol. 8, num. 6.

Revues nationales avec comité de lecture (ART_NAT)

Conférences internationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_INT)

    • [75] P. Wenger, C. Chevallereau, S. Caro. A Class of Planar 3-Dof Cable-Driven Parallel Robots with Decoupled Workspace. In Mechanism and Machine Theory Symposium, celebrating 60 years since the journal's foundation, juin 2024, Guimarães, Portugal.
    • [76] K. Muñoz, M. Porez, P. Wenger. Kinematic and Static Analyses of a 3-DOF Spatial Tensegrity Mechanism. In Advances in Robot Kinematics, juin 2024, Ljubljana, Slovénie.
    • [77] C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger, S. Caro. Compound Cable-driven Parallel Robot for a Larger Wrench-feasible Workspace. In Advances in Robot Kinematics 2024, juillet 2024, Ljubljana, Slovénie.
    • [78] V. Muralidharan, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. Kinematics and Workspace of a Spatial 3-DoF Manipulator with Anti-parallelogram joints. In Advances in Robot Kinematics 2024, juillet 2024, Ljubljana, Slovénie.
    • [79] P. Wenger, C. Chevallereau. A Simple Revolute Joint with Coactivation Principle. In European Conference on Mechanism Science— EuCoMeS 2024, septembre 2024, Padova, Italie.
    • [80] D. Salunkhe, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Trajectory planning issues in cuspidal commercial robots. In International Conference on Robotics and Automation, mai 2023, London, Royaume-Uni.
    • [81] C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger, A. Abourachid. A New Bio-Inspired Joint with Variable Stiffness. In International Workshop on New Trends in Medical and Service Robots (MESROB 2023 ), juin 2023, Craiova, Roumanie.
    • [82] I. John, S. Mohan, P. Wenger. Kinematic and Static Modelling of a New Two-Degree-of-Freedom Cable Operated Joint. In 6th IFToMM International Conference on Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Applications, juin 2023, Poitiers, France.
    • [83] V. Muralidharan, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger, N. Testard. Effect of antagonistic cable actuation on the stiffness of symmetric four-bar mechanisms. In CableCon 2023: Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, juin 2023, Nantes, France.
    • [84] N. Testard, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. Comparison Analysis of Tendon-Driven Manipulators Based on Their Wrench Feasible Workspace. In 6th International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, juin 2023, Nantes, France.
    • [85] N. Testard, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. Comparison of Explicit and Implicit Numerical Integrations for a Tendon-Driven Robot. In 6th International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, juin 2023, Nantes, France.
    • [86] N. Testard, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. Dynamics and computed torque control stability of an under-actuated tendon-driven manipulator. In 16th World Congress of the International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM WC 2023), novembre 2023, Tokyo, Japon.
    • [87] V. Muralidharan, P. Wenger, C. Chevallereau. Kinematic and static analysis of a cable-driven 2-X tensegrity manipulator for two actuation strategies. In Advances in Robot Kinematics 2022, juin 2022, Bilbao, Espagne.
    • [88] D. Chablat, R. Prébet, M. Safey El Din, D. Salunkhe, P. Wenger. Deciding Cuspidality of Manipulators through Computer Algebra and Algorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry. In ISSAC 2022 - 47th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, juillet 2022, Lille, France.
    • [89] V. Muralidharan, P. Wenger, C. Chevallereau. Computation of stable wrench-feasible workspace of cable-driven n-X tensegrity manipulators. In 25 ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, août 2022, Nantes, France.
    • [90] B. Fasquelle, M. Furet, P. Khanna, D. Chablat, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. A bio-inspired 3-DOF light-weight manipulator with tensegrity X-joints. In ICRA'2020, mai 2020, Paris, France.
    • [91] A. Abourachid, C. Böhmer, P. Wenger, D. Chablat, C. Chevallereau, B. Fasquelle, M. Furet. Modelling, design and control of a bird neck using tensegrity mechanisms. In ICRA'2019 Worskhop on Tensegrity, mai 2019, Montréal, Canada.
    • [92] S. Venkateswaran, M. Furet, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Design and analysis of a tensegrity mechanism for a bio-inspired robot. In The ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2019, Aug 2019, Annaheim, California, United States, août 2019, Annaheim, CA, états-Unis.
    • [93] M. Furet, D. Chablat, B. Fasquelle, P. Khanna, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. Prototype of a tensegrity manipulator to mimic bird necks. In 24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, août 2019, Brest, France.
    • [94] A. Nayak, S. Caro, P. Wenger. A Dual Reconfigurable 4-rRUU Parallel Manipulator. In 4th IEEE/IFToMM International conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR2018), juin 2018, Delft, Pays-Bas.
    • [95] A. van Riesen, M. Furet, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. Dynamic analysis and control of an antagonistically actuated tensegrity mechanism. In 22nd CISM IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (ROMANSY'2018), juin 2018, Rennes, France.
    • [96] M. Furet, M. Lettl, P. Wenger. Kinematic analysis of planar tensegrity 2-X manipulators. In 16th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics, juillet 2018, Bologne, Italie.
    • [97] T. Stigger, A. Nayak, S. Caro, P. Wenger, M. Pfurner, M. Husty. Algebraic Analysis of a 3-RUU Parallel Manipulator. In The 16th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics, juillet 2018, Bologne, Italie.
    • [98] M. Furet, P. Wenger. Workspace and cuspidality analysis of a 2-X planar manipulator. In 4th IFToMM Symposium on Mechanism Design for Robotics, septembre 2018, Udine, Italie.
    • [99] J. Mohanta, S. Mohan, P. Wenger, C. Chevallereau. A New Sitting-type Lower-Limb Rehabilitation Robot based on a Spatial Parallel Kinematic Machine. In IFToMM Asian Mechanism and Machine Science 2018, décembre 2018, Bengaluru, Inde.
    • [100] P. Lucidarme, N. Delanoue, F. Mercier, Y. Aoustin, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. Preliminary survey of backdrivable linear actuators for humanoid robots. In 22nd CISM IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (ROMANSY'2018), juin 2018, Rennes, France.In Vigen Arakelian, Philippe Wenger (éds.), . Springer, 2018.
    • [101] M. Furet, A. van Riesen, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. Optimal design of tensegrity mechanisms used in a bird neck model. In European Conference on Mechanism Science (EUCOMES'2018), septembre 2018, Aachen, Allemagne.In Burkhard Corves, Philippe Wenger, Mathias Hüsing (éds.), . Springer, 2018.
    • [102] A. Nayak, S. Caro, P. Wenger. Local and Full-cycle Mobility Analysis of a 3-RPS-3-SPR Series-Parallel Manipulator. In 7th IFToMM International Workshop on Computational Kinematics~(CK2017), mai 2017, Poitiers, France.
    • [103] L. Nurahmi, S. Caro, P. Wenger. Operation Modes and Self-motions of a 2-RUU Parallel Manipulator. In The 3rd IFToMM Symposium on Mechanism Design for Robotics, juin 2015, Aalborg, Danemark.
    • [104] L. Nurahmi, S. Caro, P. Wenger. Synthesis of 3-RPS Parallel Manipulators based on Prescribed Operation Modes. In The 4th IFTOMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics, juin 2015, Poitiers, France.
    • [105] L. Nurahmi, S. Caro, P. Wenger. Operation Modes and Singularities of 3-PRS Parallel Manipulators with Different Arrangements of P-joints. In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2015, août 2015, Boston, états-Unis.
    • [106] S. Caro, D. Chablat, P. Lemoine, P. Wenger. Kinematic Analysis and Trajectory Planning of the Orthoglide 5-Axis. In International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, août 2015, Boston, états-Unis.
    • [107] L. Nurahmi, S. Caro, P. Wenger. Design of 3-RPS Parallel Manipulators based on Operation Modes. In The 14th IFToMM World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, octobre 2015, Taipei, Taïwan.
    • [108] R. Kalla, L. Nurhami, S. Bandyopadhyay, S. Caro, P. Wenger. A study of Σ 2 singularities in the 3-RPS Parallel Manipulator. In iNaCoMM 2015, décembre 2015, Kanpur, Inde.
    • [109] L. Gagliardini, S. Caro, M. Gouttefarde, P. Wenger, A. Girin. Optimal Design of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots for Large Industrial Structures. In ICRA: International Conference on Robotics and Automation, mai 2014, Hong-Kong, Chine.
    • [110] L. Gagliardini, S. Caro, M. Gouttefarde, P. Wenger, A. Girin. A Reconfigurable Cable-Driven Parallel Robot for Sandblasting and Painting of Large Structures. In CableCon: Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, août 2014, Duisburg, Allemagne.
    • [111] C. Germain, S. Caro, S. Briot, P. Wenger. Optimal Design of the IRSBot-2 Based on an Optimized Test Trajectory. In ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2013, août 2013, Portland, Oregon, états-Unis.
    • [112] S. Amine, L. Nurahmi, P. Wenger, S. Caro. Conceptual design of Schoenflies motion generators based on the wrench graph. In ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, août 2013, Portland, états-Unis.
    • [113] S. Amine, S. Caro, P. Wenger. Constraint and Singularity Analysis of the Exechon. In The Joint International Conference of the XI International Conference on Mechanisms and Mechanical Transmissions (MTM) and the International Conference on Robotics (Robotics’12), janvier 2012, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
    • [114] C. Germain, S. Briot, S. Caro, P. Wenger. Constraint Singularity-Free Design of the IRSBot-2. In Advances in Robot Kinematics, juin 2012, Innsbruck, Autriche.
    • [115] D. Nguyen, S. Briot, P. Wenger. Analysis of the Dynamic Performance of Serial 3R Orthogonal Manipulators. In ASME 2012 11th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis (ESDA 2012), juillet 2012, Nantes, France.
    • [116] S. Caro, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Non-Singular Assembly Mode Changing Trajectories of a 6-DOF Parallel Robot. In ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, août 2012, Chicago, états-Unis.
    • [117] D. Chablat, G. Moroz, P. Wenger. Uniqueness domains and non singular assembly mode changing trajectories. In International Conference on Robotics and Automation, mai 2011, Shanghai, Chine.
    • [118] A. Zaiter, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. A study of the singularity locus in the joint space of planar parallel manipulators: special focus on cusps and nodes. In 4th International Congress Design and Modeling of Mechanical Systems, mai 2011, Sousse, Tunisie.
    • [119] S. Amine, M. Tale-Masouleh, S. Caro, P. Wenger, C. Gosselin. Singularity Analysis of the 4-RUU Parallel Manipulator using Grassmann-Cayley Algebra. In The 2011 CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics, juin 2011, Montréal, Canada.
    • [120] C. Germain, S. Briot, V. Glazunov, S. Caro, P. Wenger. IRSBOT-2: A Novel Two-Dof Parallel Robot for High-Speed Operations. In ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2011, août 2011, Washington, états-Unis.
    • [121] M. Coste, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Singular surfaces and cusps in symmetric planar 3-RPR manipulators. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, septembre 2011, San Franisco, états-Unis.
    • [122] N. Binaud, S. Caro, P. Wenger. Etude des Conditions d'Assemblage de Manipulateurs Hyperstatiques : application à un manipulateur 5 barres. In CFM 2011 - 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, août 2011, Besançon, France.In Association Française de Mécanique (éds.), . AFM, Maison de la Mécanique, 39/41 rue Louis Blanc - 92400 Courbevoie, 2011.
    • [123] R. Ur-Rehman, S. Caro, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Multiobjective Design Optimization of 3-PRR Planar Parallel Manipulators. In 20th CIRP Design conference, avril 2010, Nantes, France.
    • [124] S. Amine, D. Kanaan, S. Caro, P. Wenger. Singularity Analysis of Lower-Mobility Parallel Robots with an Articulated Nacelle. In Advances in Robot Kinematics, juin 2010, Piran-Portoroz, Slovénie.
    • [125] D. Chablat, S. Caro, R. Ur-Rehman, P. Wenger. Comparison of Planar Parallel Manipulator Architectures based on a Multi-objective Design Optimization Approach. In 34th Annual Mechanisms and Robotics Conference (MR), août 2010, Montréal, Canada.
    • [126] N. Binaud, P. Cardou, S. Caro, P. Wenger. The Kinematic Sensitivity of Robotic Manipulators to Joint Clearances. In ASME 2010 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, août 2010, Montreal, Canada.
    • [127] G. Moroz, D. Chablat, P. Wenger, F. Rouillier. Cusp points in the parameter space of RPR-2PRR parallel manipulators. In 3rd European Conference on Mechanism Science : EUCOMES 2010, septembre 2010, Cluj-Napoca, Roumanie.In Pisla, D. (éds.), . Springer, 2010.
    • [128] R. Ur-Rehman, S. Caro, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis of the 2-DOF Spherical Wrist of Orthoglide 5-axis. In Troisième Congrès International. Conception et Modélisation des Systèmes Mécaniques, mars 2009, Hammamet, Tunisie.
    • [129] P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Kinematic analysis of a class of analytic planar 3-RPR parallel manipulators. In International Workshop on Computational Kinematics, mai 2009, Duisburg, Allemagne.
    • [130] A. Pashkevich, A. Klimchik, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Accuracy Improvement for Stiffness Modeling of Parallel Manipulators. In 42ème CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, juin 2009, Grenoble, France.
    • [131] A. Pashkevich, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Design optimization of parallel manipulators for high-speed precision machining applications. In 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, juin 2009, Moscou, Russie.
    • [132] F. Boyer, D. Chablat, P. Lemoine, P. Wenger. The eel-like robot. In ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, août 2009, San Diego, états-Unis.
    • [133] G. Jacquenot, F. Bennis, J. Maisonneuve, P. Wenger. 2D multi-objective placement algorithm for free-form components. In ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, août 2009, San Diego, états-Unis.
    • [134] G. Jacquenot, F. Bennis, J. Maisonneuve, P. Wenger. Optimisation de placement dans les problèmes de conception. In CFM 2009 - 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, août 2009, Marseille, France.In Association Française de Mécanique (éds.), . AFM, Maison de la Mécanique, 39/41 rue Louis Blanc - 92400 Courbevoie, 2009.
    • [135] A. Pashkevich, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Stiffness Analysis of 3-d.o.f. Overconstrained Translational Parallel Manipulators. In ICRA IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation, mai 2008, Pasadena, états-Unis.
    • [136] R. Ur-Rehman, S. Caro, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Kinematic and Dynamic Analyses of the Orthoglide 5-axis. In Congress on Mechatronics, mai 2008, Le Grand-Bornand, France.
    • [137] D. Kanaan, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Singularity Analysis of Limited-dof Parallel Manipulators using Grassmann-Cayley Algebra. In 11th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics, juin 2008, , France.
    • [138] P. Ben-Horin, M. Shoham, S. Caro, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. SINGULAB - A Graphical user Interface for the Singularity Analysis of Parallel Robots based on Grassmann-Cayley Algebra. In Advances in Robot Kinematics, juin 2008, Batz sur Mer, France.
    • [139] A. Pashkevich, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Stiffness Analysis Of Multi-Chain Parallel Robotic Systems. In 9th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, octobre 2008, , France.
    • [140] I. Bonev, S. Briot, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Changing Assembly Modes without Passing Parallel Singularities in Non-Cuspidal 3-R\underline{P}R Planar Parallel Robots. In 2nd International Workshop on Fundamental Issues and Future Research Directions for Parallel Mechanisms and Manipulators, septembre 2008, Montpellier, France.In O. Company, M. Gouttefarde, S. Krut, F. Pierrot (éds.), 2nd International Workshop on Fundamental Issues and Future Research Directions for Parallel Mechanisms and Manipulators. , 2008.
    • [143] M. Zein, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Singularity Surfaces and Maximal Singularity-Free Boxes in the Joint Space of Planar 3-RPR Parallel Manipulators.
    • [144] A. Pashkevich, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Kinematic and stiffness analysis of the Orthoglide, a PKM with simple, regular workspace and homogeneous performances. In ICRA, avril 2007, Rome, Italie.
    • [145] D. Kanaan, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Kinematics analysis of the parallel module of the VERNE machine. In The 12th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, juin 2007, Besançon, France.
    • [146] D. Kanaan, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Workspace and Kinematic Analysis of the VERNE machine. In AIM, septembre 2007, Zürich, Suisse.
    • [149] D. Chablat, P. Wenger. A Six Degree-Of-Freedom Haptic Device Based On The Orthoglide And A Hybrid Agile Eye. In IDETC, 2006, Philadelphie, états-Unis.
    • [150] I. Bonev, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Working and Assembly Modes of the Agile Eye. In IEEE International Conference On Robotics And Automation, mai 2006, Orlando, états-Unis.
    • [151] D. Chablat, P. Wenger, I. Bonev. Kinematic analysis of the 3-RPR parallel manipulator. In 10th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics, juin 2006, Ljubljana, Slovénie.
    • [152] H. Moreno, A. Pamanes, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Global Optimization of Performance of & 2PRR Parallel Manipulator for Cooperative Tasks. In 3rd International Conference on Informatics in Control, août 2006, Setubal, Portugal.
    • [153] M. Zein, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. An Algorithm for Computing Cusp Points in the Joint Space of 3-RPR Parallel Manipulators. In European Conference on Mechanism Science, février 2006, Obergurgl, Autriche.In Manfred Husty and Hans-Peter Schröcker (éds.), . EUCOMES, 2006.
    • [154] M. Baili, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Analyse Comparative des Manipulateurs 3R à Axes Orthogonaux. In Congrès international Conception et Modélisation des Systèmes Mécaniques, mars 2005, Hammamet, Tunisie.
    • [155] D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Design of a Spherical Wrist with Parallel Architecture: Application to Vertebrae of an Eel Robot. In ICRA, avril 2005, Barcelone, Espagne.
    • [156] M. Zein, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. An Exhaustive Study of the Workspace Topologies of all 3R Orthogonal Manipulators with Geometric Simplifications. In Proceedings of CK2005, International Workshop on Computational Kinematics, mai 2005, Cassino, Italie.
    • [157] S. Caro, F. Bennis, P. Wenger. Comparison of Robustness Indices and Introduction of a Tolerance Synthesis Method for Mechanisms. In Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, mai 2005, Montreal, Canada.
    • [158] D. Chablat, P. Wenger. A New Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Device based on the Orthoglide and the Agile Eye. In Virtual Concept, novembre 2005, , France.
    • [160] A. Pashkevich, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. The Orthoglide: Kinematics and Workspace Analysis. In G. Galletti and J. Lenarcic (éds.), 9th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
    • [161] D. Chablat, P. Wenger. The Kinematic Analysis of a Symmetrical Three-Degree-of-Freedom Planar Parallel Manipulator. In 15th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (Romansy), 2004, Montréal, Canada.
    • [162] F. Majou, C. Gosselin, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Parametric Stiffness Analysis of the Orhtoglide. In International Symposium on Robotics, mars 2004, Paris, France.
    • [163] D. Chablat, P. Wenger, J. Merlet. A Comparative Study between Two Three-DOF Parallel Kinematic Machines using Kinetostatic Criteria and Interval Analysis. In Tian Huang (éds.), 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science. IFTOMM, 2004.
    • [164] M. Baili, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. A Classification of 3R Orthogonal Manipulators by the Topology of their Workspace. In ICRA, avril 2004, Barcelona, Espagne.
    • [165] S. Caro, P. Wenger, F. Bennis, D. Chablat. Sensitivity Analysis of the Orthoglide, a 3-DOF Translational Parallel Kinematic Machine. In ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, septembre 2004, Salt Lake City, états-Unis.
    • [167] D. Chablat, P. Wenger, F. Majou. The Optimal Design of Three Degree-of-Freedom Parallel Mechanisms for Machining Applications. In ICRA, 2003, Coimbra, Portugal.
    • [168] M. Baili, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Classification of one family of 3R positioning Manipulators. In The 11Th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, 2003, Coimbra, Portugal.
    • [173] S. Guegan, W. Khalil, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Modélisation Dynamique d'un Robot Parallèle à 3-DDL : l'Orthoglide. In CIFA, juillet 2002, Nantes, France.
    • [174] D. Chablat, P. Wenger, S. Caro, J. Angeles. The Isoconditioning Loci of Planar Three-DOF Parallel Manipulators. In ASME 29th Design Automation Conference, septembre 2002, Montreal, Canada.
    • [175] F. Majou, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Design of a 3 Axis Parallel Machine Tool for High Speed Machining: The Orthoglide. In IDMME, 4ème conférence internationale sur la conception et la fabrication intégrées en mécanique, mai 2002, Clermont-Ferrand, France.In Grigore Gogu, Daniel Coutellier, Patrick Chedmail. (éds.), . AIP-Priméca, 2002.
    • [176] F. Majou, P. Wenger, D. Chablat. The Design of Parallel Kinematic Machine Tools Using Kinetostatic Performance Criteria. In The 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON METAL CUTTING AND HIGH SPEED MACHINING, 2001, Metz, France.
    • [177] P. Wenger, C. Gosselin, D. Chablat. A Comparative Study of Parallel Kinematic Architectures for Machining Applications. In WCK, mai 2001, Séoul, Corée du Sud.
    • [180] D. Chablat, P. Wenger, J. Angeles. Conception Isotropique d'une morphologie parallèle : Application à l'usinage. In IDMME, mai 2000, Montréal, Canada.
    • [181] D. Chablat, P. Wenger. On the characterization of the regions of feasible trajectories in the workspace of parallel manipulators. In Tenth World Congress On The Theory Of Machines And Mechanisms, juin 1999, Oulu, Finlande.
    • [182] D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Regions of Feasible Point-to-Point Trajectories in the Cartesian Workspace of Fully-Parallel Manipulators. In Tenth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, juin 1999, Oulu, Finlande.
    • [184] D. Chablat, P. Wenger, J. Angeles. The Kinematic design of a 3-dof Hybrid Manipulator. In Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering, 1998, Compiègne, France.
    • [185] P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Workspace and Assembly modes in Fully-Parallel Manipulators : A Descriptive Study. In ARK, 1998, , Autriche.
    • [186] D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Working Modes and Aspects in Fully-Parallel Manipulator. In International Conference on Robotics and Automation, mai 1998, Bruxelle, Belgique.
    • [187] D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Moveability and Collision Analysis for Fully-Parallel Manipulators. In RoManSy, juillet 1998, Paris, France.
    • [189] P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Definition sets for the Direct Kinematics of Parallel Manipulators. In 8th International Conference in Advanced Robotics, juillet 1997, Monterey, états-Unis.

Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_NAT)

    • [190] N. Testard, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. Control in the operational space of a redundant and under-actuated tensegrity robot. In 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, août 2022, Nantes, France.
    • [191] C. Böhmer, A. Abourachid, P. Wenger, B. Fasquelle, M. Furet, C. Chevallereau, D. Chablat. Combining precision and power to maximize performance: a case study of the woodpecker's neck. In 44ème congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, octobre 2019, Poitiers, France.
    • [192] C. Germain, S. Briot, S. Caro, P. Wenger. IRSBOT-2 : Un nouveau robot parallèle à deux degrés de liberté pour des applications de manipulation rapide. In 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, août 2011, Besançon, France.In Association Française de Mécanique (éds.), . AFM, Maison de la Mécanique, 39/41 rue Louis Blanc - 92400 Courbevoie, 2011.
    • [193] G. Jacquenot, F. Bennis, J. Maisonneuve, P. Wenger. Présentation d'une méthode de résolution pour les problèmes de placement 2D et 3D. In ROADEF 2009, février 2009, Nancy, France.
    • [194] G. Jacquenot, F. Bennis, J. Maisonneuve, P. Wenger. Méthode générique pour la résolution des problèmes de placement bidimensionnel. In 11ème Colloque National AIP PRIMECA, avril 2009, La Plagne, France.
    • [195] A. Pashkevich, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Analyse de la rigidité des machines outils 3 axes d'architecture parallèle hyperstatique. In 5eme Assises Machines et Usinage à grande vitesse, juin 2008, Nantes, France.
    • [196] N. Andreff, B. Bouzgarrou, E. Dombre, D. Chablat, O. Company, J. Fauroux, G. Gogu, W. Khalil, S. Krut, F. Marquet, P. Martinet, J. Merlet, F. Pierrot, P. Poignet, P. Ray, P. Renaud, O. Vivas, P. Wenger. Robots à Architecture Complexe : De la Conception à la Performance et l'Autonomie. In ROBEA 2002 - 2es Journées Bilan du Programme Interdisciplinaire ROBotique et Entités Artificielles, 2002, Toulouse, France.
    • [197] S. Caro, F. Bennis, P. Wenger. Etat de l'art de la Conception Robuste de Mécanismes. In Journée AIP-PRIMECA, janvier 2002, Cachan, France.
    • [198] P. Wenger, D. Chablat, F. Majou. L'orthoglide : une machine-outil rapide d'architecture parallèle isotrope. In 2ème Assises Machines et Usinage à Grande Vitesse, mars 2002, , France.
    • [199] D. Chablat, P. Wenger. La parcourabilité pour les manipulateurs pleinement parallèles. In La Plagne AIP-Priméca, 1999, La Plagne, France.

Brevets (BRE)

    • [200] A. Ketfi-Cherif, D. Chablat, P. Wenger, M. Ghanes. Système et procédé de branchement d’un organe de connexion à un organe de connexion complémentaire porté par un véhicule automobile. N° brevet : 1852014.
    • [201] D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Dispositif de déplacement et d'orientation d'un objet dans l'espace et utilisation en usinage rapide. N° brevet : FR2850599.

Ouvrages - Chapitres d‘ouvrages et directions d‘ouvrages (OUV)

    • [202] P. Wenger, B. Fasquelle, A. Abourachid, C. Chevallereau. Un robot en tenségrité inspiré du cou de l'oiseau. In Techniques de l'Ingénieur. 01-2023
    • [203] J. Mohanta, S. Mohan, P. Wenger, C. Chevallereau. A New Sitting-type Lower-Limb Rehabilitation Robot based on a Spatial Parallel Kinematic Machine. In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2021
    • [204] P. Wenger, M. Furet. Kinematic analysis of a planar manipulator with anti-parallelogram joints and offsets. In Advances in Robot Kinematics. 2020
    • [205] V. Muralidharan, P. Wenger, M. Furet. Static analysis and design strategy of two antagonistically actuated joints. In New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science. 2020
    • [206] D. Chablat, G. Moroz, F. Rouillier, P. Wenger. Using Maple to analyse parallel robots. In Maple in Mathematics Education and Research. 28-02-2020
    • [207] A. Nayak, S. Caro, P. Wenger. Kinematic Analysis and Design Optimization of a 4-rRUU Parallel Manipulator. In Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science Proceedings of the 15th IFToMM World Congress on Mechanism and Machine Science. 2019
    • [208] B. Fasquelle, M. Furet, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. Dynamic modeling and control of a tensegrity manipulator mimicking a bird neck. In Advances in Mechanism and Machine ScienceProceedings of the 15th IFToMM World Congress on Mechanism and Machine Science. 2019
    • [209] P. Lucidarme, N. Delanoue, F. Mercier, Y. Aoustin, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. Preliminary survey of backdrivable linear actuators for humanoid robots. In ROMANSY 22–Robot Design, Dynamics and Control Proceedings of the 22nd CISM IFToMM Symposium, June 25-28, 2018, Rennes, France. 01-2019
    • [210] A. Nayak, S. Caro, P. Wenger. Operation modes and workspace of a 4-rRUU Parallel Manipulator. In In: Uhl T. (eds) Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science. IFToMM WC 2019. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 73. Springer, Cham. 14-06-2019
    • [211] T. Stigger, A. Nayak, S. Caro, P. Wenger, M. Pfurner, M. Husty. Algebraic Analysis of a 3-RUU Parallel Manipulator. In In: Lenarcic J., Parenti-Castelli V. (eds) Advances in Robot Kinematics 2018. ARK 2018. Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, vol 8. Springer, Cham. 23-06-2019
    • [214] A. Nayak, L. Nurahmi, P. Wenger, S. Caro. Comparison of 3-RPS and 3-SPR Parallel Manipulators based on their Maximum Inscribed Singularity-free Circle. In New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science Theory and Industrial Applications. 01-01-2017
    • [215] P. Wenger, D. Chablat. Kinetostatic Analysis and Solution Classification of a Planar Tensegrity Mechanism. In Computational Kinematics. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 05-07-2017
    • [217] S. Caro, D. Chablat, P. Wenger, X. Kong. Kinematic and Dynamic Modeling of a Parallel Manipulator with Eight Actuation Modes. In New Trends in Medical and Service Robots. 2014
    • [219] S. Briot, V. Arakelian, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Optimal Force Generation of 3-RRR Decoupled Planar Robots for Ensuring Unlimited Platform Rotation. In Romansy 19 – Robot Design, Dynamics and Control. 12-06-2012
    • [220] M. Coste, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Perturbation of symmetric 3-RPR manipulators and asymptotic singularities. In New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science. 2012
    • [221] D. Chablat, G. Moroz, V. Arakelian, S. Briot, P. Wenger. Solution regions in the parameter space of a 3-RRR decoupled robot for a prescribed workspace. In Latest Advances in Robot Kinematics. 13-01-2012
    • [223] A. Pashkevich, D. Chablat, P. Wenger, R. Gomolitsky. Calibration of 3-d.o.f. Translational Parallel Manipulators Using Leg Observations. In Parallel Manipulators, New Developments. 2008
    • [224] S. Caro, D. Chablat, P. Wenger, J. Angeles. The Isoconditioning Loci of Planar Three-Dof Parallel Manipulators. In Recent Advances in Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering. 01-06-2006
    • [225] A. Pashkevich, D. Chablat, P. Wenger. Kinematic calibration of orthoglide-type mechanisms. In Information Control Problems in Manufacturing 2006. 2006

Autres publications (AUTRES)

    • [226] N. Testard, C. Chevallereau, P. Wenger. Static analysis of an under-actuated bio-inspired robot. Rapport technique, 2024 ; Laboratoire des sciences du numérique de Nantes (LS2N).
    • [227] K. Muñoz, M. Porez, P. Wenger. Review Report - Fourth Quarter 2023: Analysis and Design of Spatial Mechanisms of Tensegrity for Collaborative Manipulation. Rapport technique, 2024 ; Centrale Nantes, IMT Atlantique, .
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